Christian Yoga Resource

Are You Lonesome Tonight?


 “And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Exodus 33:14 I have this problem. Until now, I have been completely unaware of it. Here is the thing...I get up early and read my bible. Every single morning. I pray. I journal. My day begins about an hour later. The day goes on. I talk to Jesus. A lot. I talk about Jesus. A lot. But, there is something I have discovered. I don't like to be alone. Ever. Really. Like, ever ever ever ehhhhhhhhverrr. It is kind of a joke in my family. If my husband goes out of town, I have it all lined [...]

Are You Lonesome Tonight?2023-10-21T23:58:44+00:00

Where is Your Focus? The Transformation of My Yoga Practice….


A few months ago, I was in yoga class practicing a balancing pose.  Normally I find a focal point on the wall to help maintain my balance.  For some reason, I became fixated on a crazy design on someone’s shirt.  That person fell, and, of course, I lost my balance as well.  I felt the Lord say gently to me, “If your drishti is on man, you will fall.” Drishti is a yoga term which means focus or concentration.  It not only refers to focus while you are holding a posture (or asana) in yoga, but also refers to focus when [...]

Where is Your Focus? The Transformation of My Yoga Practice….2019-01-16T00:31:41+00:00

Strength To Serve


  Does the idea of “self care” make you feel guilty? I don’t mean “self care” as in pampering yourself, buying new shoes, getting your nails done, etc. as it is often attributed to. I mean taking care of yourself and making sure your needs for sleep, rest, nourishment, and movement are met. Sometimes I still struggle with feeling guilty when I take time to rest, prioritize sleep, say “no” to things that over crowd my schedule, take breaks, make space for my soul, stop to write, etc. I used to think serving others meant hustling 24/7, keeping everyone happy, and [...]

Strength To Serve2019-01-28T13:13:40+00:00

When You Need To Be Still


As I sit here staring at this blank computer screen, I haphazardly look over to my left. Our Christmas tree is standing there. Still. Warm. Inviting. It's hard to look away. My eyes just want to engage in the beauty of this tree. No ornaments are even hung yet. But, it doesn't matter. She is glowing with colorful lights. Inviting anyone to come and sit next to her warmth. [yes, I do believe our tree is a "she".] There is nothing really special about this tree. Average height, average breadth. Yet, it is hard to look away. She's just quite a breathtaking [...]

When You Need To Be Still2018-12-03T12:59:34+00:00

The Most Underrated Spiritual Discipline


We all know that we’re supposed to pray. We all have our own prayer “tactics,” such as prayer lists, prayer apps, prayer walks, prayer meetings, praying out loud, writing down our prayers, writing down the prayers we say out loud, and saying out loud prayers which have been written down. In spite of all these tactics, I believe prayer is THE MOST underrated spiritual discipline. The simple fact is, I take prayer for granted. Because Christ has opened the way into the Holy Places, I can pray freely at any time of day. I can pray in the car, as I’m [...]

The Most Underrated Spiritual Discipline2018-10-20T19:48:18+00:00

I need a mental break, before I break.


Pause Breathe deeply.. He is taking us all somewhere - those of us who struggle with a mess in the mind.. So many names - depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenic, ptsd, disorders of all sorts. We can feel alone, like no one understands. We all face these battles uniquely, it hits us all in different ways. That is why it can be so hard to find those who fully relate. I mean, how can someone fully understand when we ourselves do not sometimes recognize what is going on in our own minds? But there is one, and He is the One. He [...]

I need a mental break, before I break.2018-10-18T13:08:59+00:00

Postures of Prayer


Never stop praying. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 New Living Translation This is our commandment: to never stop praying. Pray without ceasing. There is no right or wrong way to pray; no position of a prayer is superior to another. The only thing that we as believers must do is to humble ourselves before the Lord, acknowledge His Lordship of our lives, and pray without ceasing. The following forms are simply observations of prayer postures found in the Bible that may elevate your spoken... Value your time - omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem Take time off - totam rem aperiam, eaque [...]

Postures of Prayer2018-06-18T23:44:14+00:00

What Is Christian Yoga?


What is Christian Yoga? “Christian Yoga” is a term, perhaps first coined by the french monk Fr. Jean Marie Déchanet, who explored physical exercise and various forms as a way to connect with God. His book Christian Yoga was written in the late 1940’s and is out of print today, but you can still find copies in circulation. Déchanet’s practice and writings in Christian Yoga were born from a place of simple, pure worship and connection to Christ. He would strip himself of all distractions to find stillness with the Lord for meditation, contemplation, adoration, prayer, praise and worship. [...]

What Is Christian Yoga?2018-06-12T02:17:19+00:00
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