![Who We Asked - Dayna Gelinas](https://christianyogaassociation.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1.png)
Whether it is at one of her trainings, her group Yoga for the Christian Women, or any of her classes, you can expect:
Physical Postures: To align bones and balance muscles of the feet, legs, pelvis, torso, shoulders, arms, hands, neck, and head.
Breathing Techniques: To strengthen and increase lung capacity, providing vital, life-giving oxygen to the inner bodily systems and calming the nervous system.
Concentration Techniques: To bring a busy, scattered mind to a one-pointed focus.
Meditation Practice: To train the mind and heart to be at peace.
Contemplation Practice: To teach the soul to trust and rest in God’s presence, where all true joy and healing resides.
And so much more! There’s really no way to explain it all; you just have to jump in to the experience and see for yourself how yoga is so all-encompassing and perfectly fitted to our Christian faith when it is practiced from a Christian perspective!
There’s nothing that means more to me than to help the women of God grow in health and wholeness of spirit, mind, and body for His glory. I found the practice of yoga to be the tool that worked for me to grow me up in the things of God, it also keeps me fit, strong, and confident in my body and mind.I now live to share this tool with you. Yoga provides many different tools of healing and comfort, strength, and power, for every part of your beautiful being.
What are your thoughts on meditation?
Meditation is what you make it: an exercise in concentration, prayer, mindfulness, contemplation, spiritual discipline, etc. We all meditate on something even if that something is nothing. I encourage Christians to meditate on the truth found in God’s Word, and practice being still in His presence – enjoying His company in silence, beyond words.
Are Mantras ‘safe’?
Do you only teach meditation on the word of God or are there mantras that you consider “safe” for Christians?
It is “safe” and pleasing to God to meditate on “whatever is true, right, noble, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy.” (Phil. 4:8) If what you use as a mantra or affirmation lines up with the Truth of Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible, you are “safe.”
![FAQ for CYA](https://christianyogaassociation.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/FAQ-for-CYA.png)
What is your philosophy on Chakras?
Do you teach chakras in the traditional sense or as an aspect of yoga philosophy?
Chakras are “wheels of energy” theoretically located along the spine. We know energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed. At NDY we teach the chakras as the essential energy created by God for God that is contained within and expressed by the body. We have nothing to fear in researching and examining the energy within us, just like we have no reason to fear researching and studying anything that God has created such as nature, laws of gravity, speed, light, sound, etc. Just because we don’t understand it all and may not get it exactly right all the time, doesn’t mean it’s not worth our attention. Just look at all the advances being made right now in the understanding of our minds and the mind-body connection! Our brain and nervous system are amazing, and they are controlled by our own thoughts, which are energy! To be a good steward of the body and brain that God has given us requires that we examine our energy–where it comes from, where it goes, what restores it and what depletes it. At New Day Yoga I encourage the study of all the bodily systems and the energy associated with each one.
Kundalini & New Age
Do these open one to evil spirits?
Many consider Chakras and Kundalini as either New Age or pagan concepts that are dangerous for Christians to explore as you could open yourself up to the influence of evil spirits. How do you feel about this?
Kundalini is an ancient Sanskrit word for one of the energetic systems of the body associated with physiological and psychological development. The ancients described this energy as they knew it to be, and although we cannot embrace some of their conclusions, many of their discoveries are now being proven with modern, scientific neurological and psychological research. As mentioned in the chakra question above, there is no reason to fear the energy that God has created and put within you. I think of energy the same way I think about the act of sex in that neither one is evil in and of itself; in fact, everything God has created is holy and meant to bring glory to God; but what you do with your energy and sexuality and how you think about them can be either good or evil.
I consider our physiological and psychological development as two components of our “fearfully and wonderfully made” being. We seek to understand every aspect of ourselves and bring them all into obedience to Christ. Understanding our energetic being, including its connection to our physical and mental development, is an impetus for spiritual growth that enables us to become mature, living sacrifices that bring joy to God.
Are Mantras ‘safe’?
Do you only teach meditation on the word of God or are there mantras that you consider “safe” for Christians?
It is “safe” and pleasing to God to meditate on “whatever is true, right, noble, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy.” (Phil. 4:8) If what you use as a mantra or affirmation lines up with the Truth of Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible, you are “safe.”
Do you teach poses, mantras, mudras, and pranayama practices that are designed to balance the chakras?
Absolutely! Every movement you do with your body is impacting your energy, as well as lack of movement. Our body and brain have physical, emotional, and neurological pressure points that respond when stimulated by various yoga postures. Over time you can learn which poses energize you and which ones calm you. Simply moving the spine in all six directions will bring balance to your overall being. The same is true for mantras (affirmations), mudras (hand gestures), and pranayama (breathing) practices. A mantra might be repeating, “With God all things are possible.” A common mudra is to place your hands in prayer. A common pranayama is to gently lengthen the exhalation. All of these simple spiritual disciplines will balance out our energy when practiced intentionally over time.