Drenched, A Baptism of His Presence


Drenched is CYA's Annual Summit in 2023 where you'll hear from Christian Yoga Leaders, Speakers and Authors who will create sacred space for the Lord to work as they present asana, lecture, bible study and more. Come expectant and ready to be filled with an indwelling of His presence and a filling of Living Waters! SIGN UP HERE DRENCHED Schedule DRENCHED Schedule with Eastern Standard Times as well as Pacific Saturday, August 26, 2023, pst 3:00-3:45pm Michelle Thielen: Welcome and Immersive Worship 6-6:45 pm est 3:45-4:15pm Barbra Koehnlein: Holy Listening 6:45-7:15pm est 4:20-6:00pm Dayna Gelinas: Anchor Your Soul Under the Flow [...]