freedom in christ

A Covenant of Love: Ashtanga Yoga & The Ten Commandments


My feelings about the practice of Ashtanga, referred to as the Primary Series, have ebbed and flowed over the years.  While I began my teaching with six Primary Series classes weekly and appreciated the comfort and structure it provided me as a new teacher, I soon became bored and burned out.  Not that each practice and each student did not offer something unique, but that I could hear myself cue in my sleep and there was little heart behind the rigid breath, bandha, and dristi lingo I regurgitated daily.  One could say I fell out of love with my first love. I think somewhere along the [...]

A Covenant of Love: Ashtanga Yoga & The Ten Commandments2025-01-01T18:29:31+00:00

Yoga Malas, Mantras & Stones


  What is a mala? A mala necklace is a string of 108 beads that are used in a meditation practice. It is a tool to help you count mantras and to act as a tactile guide. A mala has a guru bead or stone to start and end the round of mantra or meditation session and often has a tassel. The guru bead represents a space where we can draw in our mantra and sit in stillness. Guru means remover of darkness. 2 Corinthians 4:6 says, “For God, who said, ”Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine [...]

Yoga Malas, Mantras & Stones2023-10-21T23:46:31+00:00

I need a mental break, before I break.


Pause Breathe deeply.. He is taking us all somewhere - those of us who struggle with a mess in the mind.. So many names - depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenic, ptsd, disorders of all sorts. We can feel alone, like no one understands. We all face these battles uniquely, it hits us all in different ways. That is why it can be so hard to find those who fully relate. I mean, how can someone fully understand when we ourselves do not sometimes recognize what is going on in our own minds? But there is one, and He is the One. He [...]

I need a mental break, before I break.2018-10-18T13:08:59+00:00
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