michelle thielen

What is the Christian Yoga Association?


What is the Christian Yoga Association? The Christian Yoga Association (CYA) is an organization that seeks to represent those who teach yoga from a Christian worldview. Christian yoga integrates the ancient practice of yoga with Christian principles, providing a space where individuals can deepen their spiritual lives while benefiting from the physical and mental advantages of yoga. The Christian Yoga Association represents a growing movement of Christians who practice yoga, or are a Christian yoga certifying educator founded on Christian principles while honoring the ancient gift of yoga and its origins. The Origins of the Christian Yoga Movement “Christian Yoga” [...]

What is the Christian Yoga Association?2025-01-02T16:56:25+00:00

The Giants Are Falling It is Finished by Nate Johnston


The Giants Are Falling—It Is Finished! A few nights ago, I had a powerful dream. In the dream, I was laying on the ground, feeling completely exhausted and battered, as if I had been in a battle for years with no victory in sight. Suddenly, I saw a sword coming down over the head of a giant that had been standing in my way—and with one swift move, it took off the giant’s head. As this happened, I heard the words, “IT IS FINISHED!” In that moment, I felt an overwhelming sense of relief. The battle that I had been fighting for [...]

The Giants Are Falling It is Finished by Nate Johnston2024-10-02T20:56:51+00:00

Christ Centered Tapping EFT Michelle Thielen


Health Line defines Emotional freedom technique (EFT) as an alternative treatment for physical pain and emotional  distress. It’s also referred to as tapping or psychological acupressure. It has been used to heal PTSD, C-PTSD and  Complex Trauma. Developer Gary Craig describes it as a, ‘Disruption in energy that causes negative emotions and  pain’.  Similar to acupuncture, EFT focuses on the Meridians of the body. Proponents say the tapping helps you access the body’s energy and send signals to the part of the brain that controls stress. By stimulating the meridian points  through EFT tapping, negative emotions, memories and stress are greatly [...]

Christ Centered Tapping EFT Michelle Thielen2024-10-10T19:54:22+00:00

YOGAFAITH Miracle Immersion 200 hr YTT


  Ignite Your Power Step Into Your Calling Join Lead Trainers: Michelle Thielen [Founder of YogaFaith and Christian Yoga Assocaition] and Melissa Martin [YogaFaith of Madison] Yoga Faith Immersions are so much more than delivering information, they are about transformation, body, soul and spirit. Imagine a world class training that provides you with the tools and resources to start your own faith based yoga business, a heart filled with beautiful memories including connection, prayer, healing, movement and a whole new group of divine friendships. Thoughts of nervousness and uncertainty will give way to the confident fulfillment of a clear vision and [...]

YOGAFAITH Miracle Immersion 200 hr YTT2024-02-27T17:05:05+00:00

Mudras from a Christian Perspective with Michelle Thielen


Shalom Spiritual Ctr. & Michelle Thielen, R-CYATH Thursday, February 29 Virtual Thursday, February 29, 6:00 pm-7:00 pm Central Time (4-5pm PST) via Zoom Arm, finger, and hand positions are symbolic gestures and prayer positions or are used in rituals within religions and many cultures. Much like a Mudra (a gesture or pose in Eastern Religions) can enhance a Yoga posture, a prayer/prayer hands posture can enhance our communion and connection with the Lord. Join Michelle as she explores Mudras from a Christian perspective. Continued Education Credit Hours are available to those who attend. Michelle Thielen is the Founder of YogaFaith (https://yogafaith.org) [...]

Mudras from a Christian Perspective with Michelle Thielen2024-02-27T01:45:53+00:00

Christian Yoga Class Themes from A-Z


There seems to be a shortage of Christ centered class theme offerings, so CYA wanted to help. CYA's Michelle Thielen has contributed a wonderful 70 page booklet, covering 26 class themes to draw any practitioner or trainer closer to God. These class themes could be used as one leads others through class, as a guide for one's personal practice or a resource for bible subjects to lead a bible study, a session at a retreat or provide insight for a speaking engagement. We know that if you are a Christian who loves yoga, this will bless you for many years to [...]

Christian Yoga Class Themes from A-Z2020-01-03T22:04:41+00:00

To Om or Not to Om


Enjoy a portion of an extensive eBook. TO OM OR NOT TO OM by Michelle Thielen, Founder of YogaFaith In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1, KJV From the beginning, and when I say, “beginning,” I am referencing the very beginning. The first scriptures found in the Bible describe the beauty and power of spoken words. These creative and sacred words hovered over unoccupied atmospheres bringing life out of absolute nothingness. A holy sound, a holy utterance spoke into emptiness forming life, earth, day, night, creatures and man. These [...]

To Om or Not to Om2025-01-01T18:59:53+00:00
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