What is Christian Yoga

What is the Christian Yoga Association?


What is the Christian Yoga Association? The Christian Yoga Association (CYA) is an organization that seeks to represent those who teach yoga from a Christian worldview. Christian yoga integrates the ancient practice of yoga with Christian principles, providing a space where individuals can deepen their spiritual lives while benefiting from the physical and mental advantages of yoga. The Christian Yoga Association represents a growing movement of Christians who practice yoga, or are a Christian yoga certifying educator founded on Christian principles while honoring the ancient gift of yoga and its origins. The Origins of the Christian Yoga Movement “Christian Yoga” [...]

What is the Christian Yoga Association?2025-01-02T16:56:25+00:00

The Gift of Peace: Embracing the Birth of Christ through Movement and Stillness, A Christian Yoga Class Outline for Christmas


  The Gift of Peace: Embracing the Birth of Christ through Movement and Stillness, A Christian Yoga Class Outline for Christmas The Christian elements woven through the practice of this Christmas yoga class will help one align physical movements with spiritual reflection, making this a meditative and meaningful experience as one focuses on the reason for Christmas. This class integrates Christian elements (scripture, prayer, meditation, etc.) and yoga techniques (postures, breathwork, etc.) to connect the body, mind, and spirit, focusing on peace, joy, and gratitude, inspired by the birth of Jesus. Throughout the class, you'll be encouraged to move with grace [...]

The Gift of Peace: Embracing the Birth of Christ through Movement and Stillness, A Christian Yoga Class Outline for Christmas2024-12-03T22:40:13+00:00

What Happens After Yoga Teacher Training?


What Happens After Yoga Teacher Training? Your Next Steps After Graduating from a YTT by Michelle Thielen As the popularity of yoga increases around the world, the demand for yoga instructors is at an all-time high. Thousands of students are investing an incredible amount of time, energy, and resources into yoga teacher training programs but are left wondering, “What on earth do I do now that I’m finished?” In general when employers are hiring yoga instructors, they tend to seek those who have completed the industry standard of a 200-hour teacher training program (commonly referred to as YTT or 200-hour YTT). [...]

What Happens After Yoga Teacher Training?2024-05-07T17:43:32+00:00

COME TO THE TABLE: A Luxury Wellness Retreat


Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico Lori Washko, R-CYAT COME TO THE TABLE is designed to: 1: Help you forget about DOING and focus on remembering who you really are. 2: Create space to reconnect with your creator, GOD. We are meant for so much more than just having a reservation in heaven. We were created for relationship and abiding with Him. 3: Experience a little adventure and immersion in the Mexican culture 4: Pamper and spoil you with a massage, amazing food & excellent service. 5: Offer a sense of community and new friendships with some awesome women. 6: Release your stress and [...]

COME TO THE TABLE: A Luxury Wellness Retreat2024-02-27T02:08:16+00:00

Mudras from a Christian Perspective with Michelle Thielen


Shalom Spiritual Ctr. & Michelle Thielen, R-CYATH Thursday, February 29 Virtual Thursday, February 29, 6:00 pm-7:00 pm Central Time (4-5pm PST) via Zoom Arm, finger, and hand positions are symbolic gestures and prayer positions or are used in rituals within religions and many cultures. Much like a Mudra (a gesture or pose in Eastern Religions) can enhance a Yoga posture, a prayer/prayer hands posture can enhance our communion and connection with the Lord. Join Michelle as she explores Mudras from a Christian perspective. Continued Education Credit Hours are available to those who attend. Michelle Thielen is the Founder of YogaFaith (https://yogafaith.org) [...]

Mudras from a Christian Perspective with Michelle Thielen2024-02-27T01:45:53+00:00

My Journey with God and Yoga


My Journey with God and Yoga, Part I On a cold January morning with the snow on the ground, I woke up in the hotel close to where I’m working this week. I work all over the UK and Eire so this is just another hotel room wake-up. I stretched my toes to the end of the bed, tensed my legs, hips, stomach, arms and gritted my teeth for about five seconds before relaxing back on my bed.  I focused upon my body touching the surface beneath me and performed a body scan, top of my head to the bottom of [...]

My Journey with God and Yoga2023-02-17T21:40:17+00:00



“God, how did I get here?” I sat in my car, weeping, after witnessing a young girl graduate as valedictorian. This young girl lived in our Hope House— our safe house for minors who were victims of sex trafficking. I was one of the only ones sitting in that crowd who knew the significance of this moment. Three years earlier, this girl was a victim, but now she was a valedictorian. I couldn’t stop wiping the tears from my eyes and thanking God for what I just witnessed. And in that moment I asked, “God, how did I get here? How [...]


Reflect & Respond


“Now all of us, with our faces unveiled, reflect the glory of the Lord as if we are mirrors; and so, we (respond) being transformed, metamorphosed, into His same image from one radiance of glory to another, just as the Spirit of the Lord accomplishes it.” 2 Cor. 3:18 THE VOICE Is my face veiled or unveiled?  My response upon reflection; why would we have veiled faces? What does one’s face reflect? This verse is referencing the Old Testament account of Moses coming down from God’s glory on the mountain and the people could not handle the brightness of God’s glory [...]

Reflect & Respond2025-01-01T18:41:01+00:00

A Covenant of Love: Ashtanga Yoga & The Ten Commandments


My feelings about the practice of Ashtanga, referred to as the Primary Series, have ebbed and flowed over the years.  While I began my teaching with six Primary Series classes weekly and appreciated the comfort and structure it provided me as a new teacher, I soon became bored and burned out.  Not that each practice and each student did not offer something unique, but that I could hear myself cue in my sleep and there was little heart behind the rigid breath, bandha, and dristi lingo I regurgitated daily.  One could say I fell out of love with my first love. I think somewhere along the [...]

A Covenant of Love: Ashtanga Yoga & The Ten Commandments2025-01-01T18:29:31+00:00

Self Care In A Selfish World


Treat yourself. Eat whatever you want. Watch as much Netflix as you want. Do whatever you want. This is how self-care is portrayed in the media. It is self-focused and giving yourself whatever you want because you deserve it. Self-care today feeds us what we want and not what we need. True self-care is not an excuse to treat ourselves to whatever we want. This is a good thing because when we chase after what we want, we often miss out on what we need. The example of Jesus paints a different picture of self-care. When we practice the self-care found in Jesus’ example, we can find the [...]

Self Care In A Selfish World2025-01-01T18:30:56+00:00
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