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So far admin has created 39 blog entries.

New Beginnings, A Free Christian Yoga Class


A Class From: 24 Christian Yoga Class Outlines: Two a Month Based on the Season and Holidays This class can be enjoyed anytime such as a Monday class, the first of any month or wherever you see fit. New Beginnings: Trusting God for the Year Ahead January, the start of a new year, is the perfect time for reflection, renewal, and setting spiritual intentions. This class emphasizes the idea of new beginnings, starting fresh, and trusting in God's plans as we move into the new year. It encourages participants to embrace God's guidance and to cultivate a heart of hope, peace, [...]

New Beginnings, A Free Christian Yoga Class2025-01-23T22:24:28+00:00

What is the Christian Yoga Association?


What is the Christian Yoga Association? The Christian Yoga Association (CYA) is an organization that seeks to represent those who teach yoga from a Christian worldview. Christian yoga integrates the ancient practice of yoga with Christian principles, providing a space where individuals can deepen their spiritual lives while benefiting from the physical and mental advantages of yoga. The Christian Yoga Association represents a growing movement of Christians who practice yoga, or are a Christian yoga certifying educator founded on Christian principles while honoring the ancient gift of yoga and its origins. The Origins of the Christian Yoga Movement “Christian Yoga” [...]

What is the Christian Yoga Association?2025-01-02T16:56:25+00:00

The Gift of Peace: Embracing the Birth of Christ through Movement and Stillness, A Christian Yoga Class Outline for Christmas


  The Gift of Peace: Embracing the Birth of Christ through Movement and Stillness, A Christian Yoga Class Outline for Christmas The Christian elements woven through the practice of this Christmas yoga class will help one align physical movements with spiritual reflection, making this a meditative and meaningful experience as one focuses on the reason for Christmas. This class integrates Christian elements (scripture, prayer, meditation, etc.) and yoga techniques (postures, breathwork, etc.) to connect the body, mind, and spirit, focusing on peace, joy, and gratitude, inspired by the birth of Jesus. Throughout the class, you'll be encouraged to move with grace [...]

The Gift of Peace: Embracing the Birth of Christ through Movement and Stillness, A Christian Yoga Class Outline for Christmas2024-12-03T22:40:13+00:00

Managing Anxiety Through Faith, Finding Peace Through Christian Yoga


Managing Anxiety Through Faith, Finding Peace Through Christian Yoga Anxiety is a common struggle in today’s fast-paced world, leaving many feeling overwhelmed and disconnected. As Christians, we are reminded in Philippians 4:6-7, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Christian yoga offers a unique way to embody this scripture, combining physical movement, breathwork, and prayer to help manage anxiety and draw closer to God. Meditation on God’s [...]

Managing Anxiety Through Faith, Finding Peace Through Christian Yoga2024-12-03T21:18:19+00:00

The Giants Are Falling It is Finished by Nate Johnston


The Giants Are Falling—It Is Finished! A few nights ago, I had a powerful dream. In the dream, I was laying on the ground, feeling completely exhausted and battered, as if I had been in a battle for years with no victory in sight. Suddenly, I saw a sword coming down over the head of a giant that had been standing in my way—and with one swift move, it took off the giant’s head. As this happened, I heard the words, “IT IS FINISHED!” In that moment, I felt an overwhelming sense of relief. The battle that I had been fighting for [...]

The Giants Are Falling It is Finished by Nate Johnston2024-10-02T20:56:51+00:00

Christ Centered Tapping EFT Michelle Thielen


Health Line defines Emotional freedom technique (EFT) as an alternative treatment for physical pain and emotional  distress. It’s also referred to as tapping or psychological acupressure. It has been used to heal PTSD, C-PTSD and  Complex Trauma. Developer Gary Craig describes it as a, ‘Disruption in energy that causes negative emotions and  pain’.  Similar to acupuncture, EFT focuses on the Meridians of the body. Proponents say the tapping helps you access the body’s energy and send signals to the part of the brain that controls stress. By stimulating the meridian points  through EFT tapping, negative emotions, memories and stress are greatly [...]

Christ Centered Tapping EFT Michelle Thielen2024-10-10T19:54:22+00:00

Who is the First Known Christian Yogi – is it A.K. Mozumdar?


Convince yourself that you have the ability to do a certain thing, and you will have the ability. WHO IS A. K. MOZUMDAR Akhoy Kumar Mozumdar, more commonly known as A.K. Mozumdar, was an Indian lecturer and writer of the New Thought Movement in the United States during the first half of 20th-century. He was born in a small village in India and was the son of an attorney. The Mozumdars were a well-established, high caste family. Mozumdar's mother was very devout and seemed to foresee her youngest child's career as a spiritual [...]

Who is the First Known Christian Yogi – is it A.K. Mozumdar?2024-07-08T01:38:18+00:00

What Happens After Yoga Teacher Training?


What Happens After Yoga Teacher Training? Your Next Steps After Graduating from a YTT by Michelle Thielen As the popularity of yoga increases around the world, the demand for yoga instructors is at an all-time high. Thousands of students are investing an incredible amount of time, energy, and resources into yoga teacher training programs but are left wondering, “What on earth do I do now that I’m finished?” In general when employers are hiring yoga instructors, they tend to seek those who have completed the industry standard of a 200-hour teacher training program (commonly referred to as YTT or 200-hour YTT). [...]

What Happens After Yoga Teacher Training?2024-05-07T17:43:32+00:00

Mystical Hope


People get excited about the new year. I get it. Who of us does not look forward with expectation and hope. Maybe last year wasn’t great. Even if it was wonderful, the human spirit is drawn to what a new year promises.  I have never been one to make new year resolutions. I want the zero to sixty-five race to longer days and warmer weather. January through March is a hard time for me. The bleakness of days, and cold snaps mixed with warm weather fronts, at least on the East Coast, is annoying. So, this [...]

Mystical Hope2024-01-01T21:37:19+00:00

Fall Soap Recipe


Fall Soap Recipe Have you been enjoying this Fall? We certainly have! That's why we created this perfect fall soap recipe. The essential oil blend used here combines traditional autumn aromas with a bit of a twist. Frankincense provides a sweet and warm base while clove bud, cinnamon bark, and ginger bring that classic spicy touch that evokes the warmth of your favorite Fall baked goods. Lastly, the unique scent of bergamot brings it all together with a sweet citrus note and an unexpected, distinctive edge. For this recipe, we’ll be using a classic 30/30/30/10 oil ratio and superfatting the soap [...]

Fall Soap Recipe2023-09-27T01:59:10+00:00
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