
Self Care In A Selfish World


Treat yourself. Eat whatever you want. Watch as much Netflix as you want. Do whatever you want. This is how self-care is portrayed in the media. It is self-focused and giving yourself whatever you want because you deserve it. Self-care today feeds us what we want and not what we need. True self-care is not an excuse to treat ourselves to whatever we want. This is a good thing because when we chase after what we want, we often miss out on what we need. The example of Jesus paints a different picture of self-care. When we practice the self-care found in Jesus’ example, we can find the [...]

Self Care In A Selfish World2025-01-01T18:30:56+00:00

The Sermon On The Mat

2019-09-06T13:54:50+00:00 The Sermon on the mount summed up the way to live a life dedicated and pleasing to God; full of love, grace and wisdom.  Learn how you can not only live this, but share this way of life on and off the mat.   Join Founding Master Trainer Michelle Theilen, R-CYAMT, as she takes us into this beautiful message.  You can participate through the VIDEO  or PODCAST

The Sermon On The Mat2019-09-06T13:54:50+00:00

Yoga Malas, Mantras & Stones


  What is a mala? A mala necklace is a string of 108 beads that are used in a meditation practice. It is a tool to help you count mantras and to act as a tactile guide. A mala has a guru bead or stone to start and end the round of mantra or meditation session and often has a tassel. The guru bead represents a space where we can draw in our mantra and sit in stillness. Guru means remover of darkness. 2 Corinthians 4:6 says, “For God, who said, ”Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine [...]

Yoga Malas, Mantras & Stones2023-10-21T23:46:31+00:00

Where is Your Focus? The Transformation of My Yoga Practice….


A few months ago, I was in yoga class practicing a balancing pose.  Normally I find a focal point on the wall to help maintain my balance.  For some reason, I became fixated on a crazy design on someone’s shirt.  That person fell, and, of course, I lost my balance as well.  I felt the Lord say gently to me, “If your drishti is on man, you will fall.” Drishti is a yoga term which means focus or concentration.  It not only refers to focus while you are holding a posture (or asana) in yoga, but also refers to focus when [...]

Where is Your Focus? The Transformation of My Yoga Practice….2019-01-16T00:31:41+00:00

When You Need To Be Still


As I sit here staring at this blank computer screen, I haphazardly look over to my left. Our Christmas tree is standing there. Still. Warm. Inviting. It's hard to look away. My eyes just want to engage in the beauty of this tree. No ornaments are even hung yet. But, it doesn't matter. She is glowing with colorful lights. Inviting anyone to come and sit next to her warmth. [yes, I do believe our tree is a "she".] There is nothing really special about this tree. Average height, average breadth. Yet, it is hard to look away. She's just quite a breathtaking [...]

When You Need To Be Still2018-12-03T12:59:34+00:00
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