trauma informed



For real change to take place, the body needs to learn that the danger has passed and to live in the reality of the present. ~Bessel van der Kolk, MD (pioneer in the field of traumatology) in The Body Keeps the Score I have already written about my journey listening to the voice of God as I’ve explored yoga as a creative Christian practice. I also want to share another reason behind my exploration of yoga as I’ve sought the Lord’s will and wisdom in this somewhat tricky and controversial issue as a follower of Jesus Christ. I am deeply passionate about helping [...]


Self Care In A Selfish World


Treat yourself. Eat whatever you want. Watch as much Netflix as you want. Do whatever you want. This is how self-care is portrayed in the media. It is self-focused and giving yourself whatever you want because you deserve it. Self-care today feeds us what we want and not what we need. True self-care is not an excuse to treat ourselves to whatever we want. This is a good thing because when we chase after what we want, we often miss out on what we need. The example of Jesus paints a different picture of self-care. When we practice the self-care found in Jesus’ example, we can find the [...]

Self Care In A Selfish World2025-01-01T18:30:56+00:00

Yoga Teachers And Invitational Language


I had an experience in a yin yoga class recently that has me reflecting on the power I have as the teacher in a yoga class or the practitioner in a yoga therapy session. In this class, the well intended teacher, set us up for a wonderful hip opening session. She encouraged us to find our breath, even counting the inhalation and exhalation, and then she told us to settle in and find stillness. Notice I said told, not asked. This was a command. Be still. Her follow up language was something along the lines of “ I know you will [...]

Yoga Teachers And Invitational Language2023-10-21T23:47:59+00:00

The Comparison Trap…A Distraction from Your Dharma


  Psalm 139:14  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Photo by Pixabay on “If you’re your authentic self, you have no competition.”  — author unknown Last year I was in a particularly challenging yoga class after taking several months off from any physical activity.  I was especially happy that I completed the entire 75 minute class without croaking.  As I rolled up my mat, feeling very content, I heard the teacher and a student discussing what a “beautiful practice” a particular student had.  Enter my ego.  My satisfaction with my practice [...]

The Comparison Trap…A Distraction from Your Dharma2019-04-04T14:52:44+00:00

I need a mental break, before I break.


Pause Breathe deeply.. He is taking us all somewhere - those of us who struggle with a mess in the mind.. So many names - depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenic, ptsd, disorders of all sorts. We can feel alone, like no one understands. We all face these battles uniquely, it hits us all in different ways. That is why it can be so hard to find those who fully relate. I mean, how can someone fully understand when we ourselves do not sometimes recognize what is going on in our own minds? But there is one, and He is the One. He [...]

I need a mental break, before I break.2018-10-18T13:08:59+00:00
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