What is Christian Yoga

Pray Fast Vote!


PRAY FAST VOTE The statistics are staggering. Over 15 million Christians are not registered to vote. Because we know the importance of voting, the urgency in this space and time to do so, as well as the incredible privilege that many were denied in history, this is the time to vote and make your voice known. We realize that social and political unrest have caused great tension, anxiety and even depression. Please find a class from our Class Theme Resource at the end of this article. You have all become true children of God by the faith of Jesus the Anointed [...]

Pray Fast Vote!2020-09-26T01:10:26+00:00

To Om or Not to Om


Enjoy a portion of an extensive eBook. TO OM OR NOT TO OM by Michelle Thielen, Founder of YogaFaith In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1, KJV From the beginning, and when I say, “beginning,” I am referencing the very beginning. The first scriptures found in the Bible describe the beauty and power of spoken words. These creative and sacred words hovered over unoccupied atmospheres bringing life out of absolute nothingness. A holy sound, a holy utterance spoke into emptiness forming life, earth, day, night, creatures and man. These [...]

To Om or Not to Om2025-01-01T18:59:53+00:00
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